How to Organize a Music Concert

Organizing a music concert is an undertaking that calls for serious planning and commitment. This does not mean that it is tough; you only need to know how to go about organizing concerts. As a music artist, you should ascertain that you have enough content to keep your fans entertained. Alternatively, if you are planning to tag a couple of artists along, see to it that they have sufficient material for the day. Here are some tips to get you started while organizing a music concert.


Find a Venue

What is a suitable venue? When planning to hold a concert, you need to prepare adequately. This means that you should find a facility that is spacious enough to accommodate all your fans. You need to appreciate the fact that having a half-full concert hall better is better than having an overcrowded facility. On the other hand, you should consider the aspect of convenience while choosing a facility. Unless you are a famous artist, most people are unlikely to travel far to be at the concert.



Part of planning for a concert involves doing some advertisements. Advertising serves to communicate your intentions of organizing a concert to your fans. You need to advertise to increase attendance levels. One way of going about this is to leverage the power of social media. Other options involved in advertising a concert include sending personalized emails to your fans, using your website to your advantage, and printing out some attractive posters. You can use a combination of these forms of advertisement to improve attendance rates.


Work on Tickets

Tickets are keys to the concert. Unless you are hosting a sponsored event or giving back to the community, you certainly would want to get some cash. While planning to have a concert, you also work towards designing the tickets. Moreover, ensure that the concert details, price, type of tickets, and some security features are on the ticket.


While preparing the tickets, you also need to think about the pricing. You can also offer your clients a reduced price for advanced purchases. Even better, you should consider setting aside a bunch of free tickets.


Seek Help

You do not have to do everything all by yourself. It is worthwhile to get all the hard work involved in the planning off your shoulders, and focus on your musical abilities. As such, you need to get helpers to take care of other things as you focus on the music and sound. Depending on the size of the event, you might consider outsourcing the services of an event planner.


Preparation is the heart of any concert. Whether you plan to handle everything by yourself or have someone help you, see to it that you do your homework as far as the preparation is concerned.